Best reads of 2018! (How is it the end of the year again?)

Here we are again! I’m not sure how it happens, but it is the end of 2018 and I’m incredibly impressed with that. To all those new followers, welcome!!

It’s been a busy year indeed! I am writing on Christmas Eve Eve, and trying to work out what to write to sum up this long year. I have been reading, and crafting, and knitting and working. I joined the UK in being gripped by Bodyguard, and I fell completely head over heels in love with Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor in Doctor Who. I have been outside Europe for the first time, seen many movies and watched many shows. It’s been a fun year!

My 2018 Goodreads target was 52 books. I set it quite low because I knew I’d have a lot of work going on over the summer, and I didn’t want to take the fun out of reading by setting too high a target. At the time of writing, I have read 76 books! I was thinking of trying to get to 80 for the year, but then I’d be reading for the sake of it, so decided to just chill and enjoy Christmas with my family.

I am currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I have officially put Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine back to the To Read list (I’ve been trying to read it since April). As I can’t sit here and write out my opinion on all 76 books – but I have sat here long and hard and have come up with a Top 5 for 2018. Honourable mentions go to MythosThe Ocean at the End of the Lane and The Bear and the Nightingale:

Top Five Books for 2018

5. Children of Blood and Bone
Tomi Adeyemi

This is the awesome debut novel, first in a series, about a fantasy world with magic, clans, and a world where magic has disappeared, and those with the white haired marker of magic are treated really badly. I was gripped, it was amazing, I would 10/10 recommend!

4. Good Omens
Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman

This is hilarious, and you need to read it. The end of the world is nigh, the four bikers of the apocalypse are riding, and someone has misplaced the anti-Christ. It is wonderfully crazy, I love Crowley and Arizaphale and I absolutely can’t wait for the Amazon Prime series.

3. Red Sister and Grey Sister
Book of the Ancestor Series by Mark Lawrence

Warrior nuns, the potential end of the world, and a whole lot of awesomeness. Honestly, I absolutely adore this series. The book I am most excited for in 2019 is the third book in the series, Holy Sister. There is a lot about this series that is utterly amazing, and it is definitely my series of 2018, however it was pipped to the top of the list by the next two.

2. Every Heart a Doorway
Seanan McGuire

What happens to all the children who’ve been spat out of their fantasy worlds? How do they adjust? This novella explores that, with a new girl arriving at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children and things start going a bit wrong. At 167 pages, it’s a fantastic but short read. There is a whole lot of world in those pages, and I absolutely loved every line.

1.The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
Mary Ann Schaffer and Annie Barrows

I saw the movie in April, went home, ordered the book and read it as soon as possible. I have re-read twice, and listened to the Society on audiobook. This has made it into my all time best-read lists. I love the style, the letters, the characters, the relationships, jus every single page. I fell in love with Guernsey alongside Juliet.

It’s been a wild ride this year – I’ve read all sorts and I’ve started listening to audiobooks and making significant use of the library. I don’t really have any plans for 2019, but I’ll set up a goodreads target of 52 again, because not having the pressure is pretty fun. Blog wise, I’ll post once a week (at least).

I hope you’ve had a fantastic year! What are your best reads of 2018?


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